How soon can you drive after childbirth?

  • May 29, 2022
  • Childbirth

How soon can you drive after childbirth?

How soon can you drive after childbirth?

So, you are going to have a baby, and your head is spinning with all the questions you would expect from an expectant mother-to-be. Will I be able to breastfeed the baby, will the baby be healthy, and will I be fine during birth?

These are all normal and natural concerns, but there are also everyday questions, when can I resume work, how soon will I be driving after childbirth, and can I have pickles with my ice cream?

Okay, the last one was a joke, and one shouldn’t make fun of a mother-to-be’s cravings.

Many of these questions answer themselves when you take time to remember that you are giving birth, a beautiful moment in your life where you produce life.

Toowoomba Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Don’t rush back to your everyday duties, give your body time to recover, and take a moment to bond with the baby. If you need to go somewhere urgently, catch an Uber, ask for a lift, or get things delivered. Anyway, if anyone deserves to be chauffeured around, it’s you.

Your ability to drive after giving birth will be impacted depending on whether you’ve had a vaginal birth or a caesarean birth.

If you’ve gone with a vaginal birth, it is generally recommended that you refrain from driving for at least a week or two. To drive safely, you should be able to make quick movements, not be tired, and be able to wear a seatbelt without any discomfort.

Oh yes, having a license, and a car, will be handy too.

Following a caesarean birth, you should wait at least two weeks, and you need to be pain-free, and free from any medication that may inhibit your driving ability. It is also important to check with your insurance company, to see if they have any specific clauses in your policy regarding driving after surgery.

When in doubt, please check with your doctor or midwife.

Driving after childbirth will change forever, you will need to be able to safely fit bub in the car seat, and you’ll need to have a bag packed with all the essentials, including nappies, spare clothing, formula etc.

If you are breastfeeding, you need to time driving between feeds and nap time, and if you did have a C-section, you need to consider the seatbelt rubbing against your scar.

Why can't you drive after giving birth? Our advice is to wait until you feel comfortable to get behind the wheel, feel fully rested, and be physically able to take on the strain of driving.

Contact us to find out more:

Toowoomba Obstetrics and Gynaecology

07 4592 8350

Suite 8/9 Scott Street, East Toowoomba QLD 4035

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